• Read the Labels

    Just about every packaged food made in the U.S. has a food label indicating serving size and other nutritional information. Learning how to read food labels is like looking at a prescription for your health and your life. We recommend looking for red-flag ingredients- if a Hall of Shame ingredient is

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  • Turn off the Television

    There are three major trends in the health of both children and adults that have public health workers concerned: an increase in obesity, attention deficit disorder (ADD) and the amount of time spent watching television. Several recently published research studies indicate that television may be the

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  • Identity

    The big distinction about wellness psychology is that it is largely a manifestation of your identity, who you believe yourself to be. If you consider yourself a well person, it goes a long way toward producing well habits and a well mind. Your identity is your self image, your self concept, your beliefs

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  • Personality

    Healthy people express themselves consistent with their personality types, so there is a wide spectrum of normal behaviors that could contribute to achieving wellness. The technical end of wellness psychology encourages normal responses to the challenges of life, rather than just treating mental and

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  • Quality Of Life

    Our own values and beliefs will shape our definition of a great quality of life. A well person or family seeks to live consistently with their own meaning for living well. The most obvious and desirable benefit of a well mind is a better quality of life, which of course is determined by each individual's

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  • Relationships

    Sharing and committing to support each other's values calms rocky waters and sets the stage for happiness and growth in relationships. While you can't be responsible for someone else's behaviors and values, you can help to create an environment that makes relationships work better. Gaining and maintaining

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  • Spirituality

    Appreciating religious values and spiritual beliefs can help form a solid foundation of wellness in your life. No discussion of wellness psychology would be complete without mentioning the impact of spirituality on wellness. Appreciating religious values and spiritual beliefs can help to form a solid

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  • Pinched Nerve

    When nerves become 'pinched', injury, spasm, and inflammation of the surrounding muscles causes the nerve to become compressed, resulting in pain. The term "pinched nerve" is somewhat of a catch-all phrase that is commonly used to describe the pain associated with a variety of conditions from subluxations,

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  • Carpal Tunnel

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) has become one of the most widespread occupational health problems we face today. It affects millions of people a year, and with our growing reliance on computers there seems to be no end in sight.The syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve just above the wrist.

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  • Auto Accidents

    Numerous studies have shown that years after auto accident victims settle their insurance claims, roughly half of them state that they still suffer with symptoms from their injuries. If you have been involved in a car accident, your injuries need to be taken very seriously. Because symptoms of some

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  • The Quest for Strong Abs

    The abs rule. As a result of this not-so-subtle imperative, a flat abdominal musculature is one of the primary goals of all exercise programs. Flat abdominals have great aesthetic appeal, not only to the "owner" of those abs, but also to the person's spouse or partner. Of course, a flat abdominal musculature

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  • Forty Winks

    When we think of healthful lifestyle choices we generally consider requirements for a healthy diet and regular vigorous exercise. We want to be sure we're eating a wide variety of foods from the primary food groups and that we’re careful to watch our daily calorie intake. In the realm of exercise,

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  • The Four Seasons

    Change is an undeniable force that impacts everything. Nothing in the physical world, either on Earth or in the Universe itself, is able to resist change and ultimate decay. Supernovas, for example, are the final explosive moments of massive stars. Our own changes through life are not as dramatic, but

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  • Your Wellness Profile

    All of us have had health-related issues at some time or other. Whether it's low back pain, headaches, asthma, gastritis, an ankle sprain, or a rotator cuff injury, we've all had a health problem that ultimately needed treatment. Chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and various types

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  • Self-Actualization and Regular Chiropractic Care

    Whether you're going out for a walk or a run, to the gym to lift weights, or to the pool to swim a few laps, the self-affirmation involved in the concept of "going out" or "going to" something for the sake of exercise is quite substantial. For most of us, it takes an extra effort, an extra application

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  • The Skating Rink

    In his 1856 journal, the great American philosopher and naturalist Henry David Thoreau wrote, "I love the winter, with its imprisonment and its cold, for it compels the prisoner to try new fields and resources." Thoreau, a fearless explorer of inner and outer landscapes, welcomed opportunities to learn

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Robie at Spring Garden Chiropractic Office Hours

September 23 - September 27


7:30 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm




9:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


7:30 am - 9:00 am

2:30 pm - 6:00 pm







September 23 - September 27

7:30 am - 1:00 pm 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 1:00 pm 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 9:00 am 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm